Accelerating Climate & Cultural Resilience

We work with our clients and partners to align purpose with process, expand cultural competence, and co-create pathways towards collective liberation and stewardship that allow 7 generations to thrive.

Taishya Mukuyu Collective

Transformational Services



Consulting & Coaching

Strengthen systems, policies, and protocols from within existing agencies, organizations, and businesses through strategic visioning, cultural competence, accountability mechanisms, and equitable research/evalutiation.



Consulting & Coaching

Heal and strengthen the relationships between and across humans, communities, and stakeholders through cultural competence building, relationship mapping, and collective decision-making.



Keynotes, Speeches, Workshops

Through cultural competence building, relationship mapping, and collective decision-making, these sessions center storytelling, audience engagement, and actionable strategies and approaches to build climate and cultural resilience.

Latest from the Blog

Grieving the Culture: Where Intentions Meet Impact

Welcome back!   This is the 3rd installation in the Mukuyu ...

Grieving the Culture: Anger, Denial, and Depression, Oh My!

“Liberty and justice for all” Photo of Taishya Adams as ...

Grieving the Culture: Saving Humanity One Tear at a Time

Graphics representing the spiral of grief and the cultural competence ...

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