Our Services

Mukuyu Collective offers transformational services to environmental and educational entities in operational, relationship, and nature RX. We work with our clients - nonprofits and governmental agencies - to align purpose with practices, expand cultural competence, and co-create pathways that amplify impact and outcomes for collective liberation and stewardship.

At Mukuyu, we are committed to reimagining and recreating a world that ensures life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all living beings.


Organizational Rx:

Organizational RX focuses on needs assessment, collaborative interpretation, and collective action. This track strengthens systems, policies, and protocols from within and across agencies, organizations, and businesses. In this track, our clients have the tools, templates, and knowledge management systems to reflect, assess, and learn new pathways towards the collective impact many organizations seek. Current and past clients include Nuestra Tierra, NASA, and Boulder County.


Client Spotlight: Black Entrepreneurs of the Flint Hills

Our team designed and led a systems quality review and report to improve grant management systems, governance, and membership support.  The process included document review and interviews to inform recommendations and a work plan. The team designed and facilitated a co-interpretation session with Leadership, Board, staff, and members to analyze the data and offer recommendations.  The team then co-developed a draft operational and governance work plan inclusive of tasks, timelines, persons responsible, and resources needed.


Equity Diagnostics & Alignment


Redesign Grant Management Systems


Board Health

Relationship Rx

Relationship RX focuses on human relationships, power, and decision making. This track centers the individual and interpersonal work needed to transform systems. In this track, our clients have an opportunity to reflect, assess, and learn new pathways towards the collective impact many organizations seek. Relationships between and across humans, communities, and stakeholders through cultural competence building, relationship mapping, and collective decision making. Current and past clients include Next 100 Coalition, National Association of Interpretation, and EcoInclusive.


Client Spotlight: National Association of Interpretation

Our team assessed qualitative and quantitative outcomes of their previous strategic plan through interviews, surveys, document review, and document review.  We worked collaboratively with a task force composed of board members, staff, and association member leaders to identified strategic focus areas, strategies, actions, and measures of success to co-develop a new 4-year strategic plan.




Relationship &
Power Mapping




Nature Rx Series:


After decades of speaking engagements, the Collective has designed pathway from an inspiring, activating afternoon to facilitated debrief and next steps to develop team/leadership plans such as goals, key tasks, timelines, and resources needed.


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